96 pages
Pub Date
Oct 25, 2017
Age 10+
Rising Stars
New Young Voices in Poetry
By Various
Illustrated by Various
An exciting collaboration between Otter-Barry Books and Pop Up Projects, introducing new voices in poetry for 10-14 year olds.
An exciting collaboration between Otter-Barry Books and Pop Up Projects, introducing new voices in poetry for 10-14 years old.
Rising Stars, sponsored by Arts Council England's Grant for the Arts programme, is a poetry anthology showcasing the work of five debut poets from diverse backgrounds, all aged 25 and under.
Black and white illustrations are by final year students from Birmingham City University's illustration course.
Joelle Taylor, founder and Artistic Director of SLAMbasadors UK, is acting as a consultant to the project.
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"The five young poets of the anthology Rising Stars are also slam-seasoned, pared back to assured, mature, charismatic essentials."
Imogen Russell Williams - Times Literary Supplement
"This collection takes risks and excitingly pulls it off with real zing. A sharp, crisp 21st century anthology that breaks down barriers about what poetry can be and poets can do, this is a collection to have in your back pocket."
Playing by the Book
"As well as the freshness of new voices, what characterises all these poets' work is the skill with which they work with complex ideas using apparently simple devices and forms. Listen out for them all in the future!"
Reading Zone
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